Style Profiles: Jian Deleon.

Name: Jian Deleon (@jiandeleon)
Age: 36
Profession: Menswear nerd
Jeans: CT-120x

I hail from…
the DMV. That's DC/Maryland/Virginia for the uninitiated.
I’m currently working on…
a ton of different projects. I like to stay occupied.
My favorite meal is…
I will never say no to the Addictive Cabbage at Dr. Clark.

I collect…
obscure Japanese action figures. Just got a 1970s-era Japanese Spider-Man.
The last thing I read was…
Jay Caspian Kang's "The Loneliest Americans."
Presently, I’m listening to…
still Turnstile "GLOW ON."

The best way to unwind is…
blasting through a series. Just did Season 2 of "How to With John Wilson."
The last piece of advice given to me was…
to remember to put the phone down and take time to be in the moment.

One place I would love to visit is…
I cannot wait 'til I'm able to go back to Japan.
In 20 years I hope to be…
wiser than I am today without looking much older.