SENY's 10 Year Anniversary.

Two Saturdays ago, we celebrated Self Edge New York's 10 year anniversary. The 157 Orchard Street address is an important one not only to Self Edge, but also to our brand. Early on in 2009, we started to make plans to turn our studio a block over at 151 Allen Street into a small storefront. In the late spring, Johan was having lunch with Kiya Babzani - co-founder of Self Edge San Francisco - and mentioned our plans to him. Kiya suggested that we partner up with him and his wife, Demitra, to open Self Edge New York; and from that conversation to opening day in July of 2009 was 7 action-packed weeks. To help out with the rent, we took the back half of the space to use as our office. As the brand and the store both grew, we expanded into the storefront behind the shop (162 Allen Street) and celebrated our 10 year anniversary there in 2013.
Although 3sixteen has since moved out to a new showroom space, Self Edge New York remains an important part of our business. Kiya and Demitra Babzani have been friends, confidants, and supporters of our brand and we would not be where we are today without them. We've also built strong relationships with many of SENY's longtime customers through being present in the shop over the years. We're grateful to our customers, our business partners, and the Lower East Side community for all of the support these past ten years, and are looking forward to serving the neighborhood in the decade to come.